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Blue Light



Hello Brothers and Sisters!

  I've got to tell you, I'm pretty excited about what's happening in our Association.

Not only for this year, but looking forward into our future. Let's take a look at just some of what that future looks like...

Our first ever female President, Dawn Maxwell just finished an exceptional year leading our Association! She has brought with her a lifetime of experience in organizational and leadership skills. A fresh perspective, to blend new ideas with the customs of old. We  all benefited from that. Thank you Dawn! I am sure to be looking for her council throughout the year...

  With the recent passing of our beloved Mike Tolson who has served the Association with distinction for many years, we might have struggled greatly, looking for his successor. But luckily for us, Sean Mahoney stepped up to take on the role. His work ethic and dedication are second to none, and we are blessed to have him in this role.

  The Heart and Soul of our Association, (in my opinion) are our Committee Chairmen and Chairwomen. Many members have no idea how dedicated they are or how hard they work! To be in their presence is to be inspired. They consistently find ways to reach out to the community in their respective roles, and keep our Association connected to the community.  They are how we stay on track in all aspects of our many missions. Without them, we are lost...

  A shout out to our District Presidents and other District Officers. These are a strong group of people who have taken steps to maintain the present while looking forward. For example, they have each established District Facebook pages to reach out to more members with real time information. A modern way to keep our members informed and engaged...

  Last, and as they say, not least, are our members. Without whom, there is no Association, no Moose. They are always there, supporting our Lodges, Districts, and Association. They are our present and future Committees, Lodge, District and State  Officers. As I travel visiting Lodges around the Association, and talk with and interact with the many members, I see our today, and imagine our tomorrow with them. I can honestly say, that I am comforted in the present and more importantly, confident in our future.  



Vic Garrard

President - MA/RI State Moose Association

Vice President - Minute Men #28 Moose Legion

Chairman - Communications Committee MA/RI State Moose Association

Jr Past President - Plymouth Moose Lodge


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