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As nearly everyone knows by now, twice per year, every year, we put together and publish a Program Book (sometimes called an "ad book"). This publication is so important on so many levels. Most importantly, we publish the Agenda for the State Association's Conventions and Conferences. We all GREATLY DEPEND on this information so that we may plan accordingly! Bad info leaves a bad taste and we strive to be as accurate and timely as possible! But we need your help!
Let me explain...
Every year, we broadcast that it is time to get your ads to us for publication, and we give a deadline so that we can be on time for the Conference or Convention. The clock has started...tic, tic, tic...
We wait for the ads, and they start to trickle in. Most people and Lodges are always early or on time, and for that, we are very grateful!
Then, we continue to gather ads created by all the entities throughout the State Association.
These entities include (of course) , every Lodge, many Chapters and Moose Legions, Districts, Committees, Individuals & Couples. (Did I leave anyone out?)
The plan of course, is that once we check for typos, grammar, size issues and so forth, we can (if needed) "tweak" any ads that need it, and then we go into production.
And there's the rub...a few entities, usually the same ones year after year, wait until the very last moment, often even after that moment, to get their ads to us. And we have to stop the presses. Endanger the whole project from being done or forcing errors for lack of time, but our deadline with the printers doesn't stop!
This is where you all come in!
We are VERY GRATEFUL to most of you who have always been early and on time through the years! Please keep them coming!
However, we are asking that few other Lodges and other entities that tend to procrastinate, to please, PLEASE, get us your ads on a timely basis this year and going forth.
And we will be VERY GRATEFUL, if everyone is on time, so that we can do a good job for you and for everyone!
As always, thank you ALL for ALL you do, and THANK YOU in advance for your on time ads!
Sean M. Mahoney
State Secretary- MA/RI State Association
Chairman - Program Book Committee
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2023 Mid-Year Conference
Program Booklet
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