
Supporting veterans is something that has always been important to the Moose. So, it is no surprise that our “Valued Veterans” program has drawn so much interest from members, lodges and chapters.
The focus of this program is on the recognition and support of Moose veterans with an emphasis on their ongoing service to their fraternal units and communities through the Moose. The program’s tag phrase captures this well: “Moose Members Serving Then . . . and NOW!” This approach simultaneously honors our veterans while also highlighting the Fraternity’s commitment to community service.
The International Heart of the Community Committee approached the planning of this program with passion, enthusiasm, and personal insights, as several members are veterans themselves. The goal was to deliver more recognition and support to our own members who are veterans and to provide Lodges and Chapters with the necessary tools to make the best possible impact on all who have served.
Click to see the video of our Veteran Honor👉 Flight Guest!

Hello everybody!
In keeping with the Veterans support theme for our mid year HOC project we will be raising funds to donate to Building Bridges Veterans Initiative. Building Bridges is a local organization primarily located in the western part of MA. More information is below.
Once again I am asking each lodge and chapter to work in unison to raise funds for this worthy cause. Please hold events at your lodge so that your membership can be a part of helping to raise money and understand what it means to be the heart of the community. Get creative with your fundraising and have fun. Include the community in your fundraising efforts-you can get credit twice on your lodge reports for the fundraiser held and donation-win win. Additionally, it will shed light on the Moose as a community supporter not just a social quarters. I am suggesting a minimum donation of $500. Last year you all raised over $6000 for Honor Flight-can we match that or more this year? I think we can!! I am asking that all donations be sent to the MA/RI state secretary earmarked "Building Bridges" no later than one week prior to the convention. Please do not send directly to the organization. We hope to have a representative at the mid year to accept our donation.
Some fundraising ideas-although I know you all have many more ideas so please share them on the MaRI Facebook page.
*Buy a veteran a beer-put a jar out and ask members to donate the cost of a beer
*hold a 50/50
*hold a dinner in honor of the veterans-open it to the community
*basket raffles
Please reach out if you have any questions
Cindy Mavroules
MARI-HOC chairperson